Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fall photos!


Dr. Lillan Huna the brain surgeon

Her first house she was so excited and even more so once she found out what goes inside her pumpkin!

Oh she is so strong!

She is such a good helper

Mia waits so patiently for her to drop some pumpkin, why do dogs love it so much?

18 and 19 Months

This was a big day for us (or maybe just me) it was the first time I could put pigtails in her hair! That means that its actually growing!

Going to go feed her duckies

Poor little guy only had one foot

This is the bird lady she kinda looks like the bird lady in the movie Home Alone 2...its a little creepy!

This is what happens when daddy lets her play outside!

Her serious face
Her very crazy hair

Another trip to the Minnesota Zoo. She found a love for the goats

She wasn't to sure about Mr. giraffe but she feed them!

His tongue was a little scary